Dinh Nhan Bus From Tuy Hoa to Saigon

trip information

icon-location From: Tuy Hoa
icon-location To: Saigon (HCM)
icon-location Departure Location: Along Route 1A Phu Yen
icon-location Arrival Location: 306A Hong Lac, Tan Binh district/501 Hoang Huu Nam (New Eastern bus station)
icon-clock Duration: Approx 11-12 hours
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Depart Time
Bus Type
Sleeper Limousine 24 berths
Sleeper Limousine 32 berths
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Dinh Nhan Bus From Tuy Hoa to Saigon departs at 17:30, 18:00 and 21:00. It takes around 11-12 hours. Bus types are sleeper Limousine 24 berths (2 people sharing 1 cabin) or sleeper 32 berths. Dinh Nhan Bus From  Tuy Hoa to Saigon picks up passengers at route 1A Phu Yen province and drop off at Tan Binh district or at An Suong office, district 12 or at New Eastern bus station, 501 Hoang Huu Nam str, HCMC. Pick up time from 20-30 minutes before the departure time.

Dinh Nhan bus operates Limousine line has a comfortable double cabin for 2 people with all amenities. This is considered the most modern and spacious double room limousine in Vietnam today.
Currently, Dinh Nhan Limousine is operating the main line of 34-room buses and double-room buses specializing in the Saigon – Da Nang route. The car has water, cold towels, and wifi. To be sure to own this double room ticket, please quickly contact Dinh Nhan Limousine.
✈ Saigon – Tan Binh – Go May – Vinh Loc – An Suong – N4 Station
✈ Quang Nam – Forest Ranger – Trung Phuoc – Nong Son – Da Nang

With its sophisticated design, this car line gives you a luxurious and comfortable feeling throughout the trip.
Diverse room types: double cabins, single cabins, and are equipped with modern equipment such as Massage – TV – WiFi to meet the increasing needs of customers.

***Prices and timetable for daily, prices increase at weekend, peak season period or public holidays. Duration might last longer depending on actual traffics.

***Pick up time might be from 30-45 minutes before the departure time depending on each location

***You should take care of your luggage, personal properties by yourself. 

***For any other questions regarding to tours or related information, please email us at vietnam.transports@gmail.com Or call our hotline: +84969623100/+84969303322 (WhatsApp)

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