Trains from Dong Hoi to Quy Nhon

* Price per person
Soft Seat Hard Sleeper Soft Sleeper
Train Departure Arrival Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2
SE5 Dong Hoi – Quy Nhon 02:32
Dong Hoi
Dieu Tri

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SE3 Dong Hoi – Quy Nhon 05:41
Dong Hoi
Dieu Tri

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SE1 Dong Hoi – Quy Nhon 07:05
Dong Hoi
Dieu Tri

(same day)
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SE11 Dong Hoi – Quy Nhon 09:26
Dong Hoi
Dieu Tri

(same day)
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SE7 Dong Hoi – Quy Nhon 16:56
Dong Hoi
Dieu Tri

(+1 day)
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Train route from Dong Hoi to Quy Nhon takes around 11-13 hours. Vietnam Railways operates 6 trains including SE1, SE3, SE5, SE7, SE11 and TN1 train. SE trains are fast trains while TN1 is slow train. Offering various types of tickets from soft-seat to hard-sleeper, soft-sleeper – you will have chance to enjoy a marvellous sightseeing of Vietnam with very comfortable services and dedicated team. To buy tickets, make an online reservation with Vietnam Transports and you’ll get ticket around 1 week before departure. For any other questions, please email us at

Important Notes:

+ Hard Sleeper: 6 berths cabin sharing (Level 1: Lower berth; Level 2: Middle berth; Level 3: Top berth)
+ Soft Sleeper: 4 berths cabin sharing (Level 1: Lower berth; Level 2: Upper berth)

Your booking will be confirmed once we get your payment and the Voucher has sent back to you
Please provide us your personal info when booking the tickets and bring the passports to be on board
Meals are not included on train
You should show up at the train station at least 45 min – 1 hour before
Do not forget to bring the Voucher/tickets
Contact our hotline number in any emergency cases
Vietnam’s air-conditioned trains are safe, comfortable & inexpensive, the ideal way for independent travellers to get around and see Vietnam at ground level.

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