Tu Tien Bus from Rach Gia to Saigon

trip information

icon-location From: Rach Gia
icon-location To: Saigon (HCM)
icon-location Departure Location: Nguyen Cong Tru, Rach Gia (Rach Gia boat station)
icon-location Arrival Location: Saigon train station crossroads, Route 1A, HCM
icon-clock Duration: 7 hours
Depart Date
Depart Time
Bus Type
Sleeper 44 berths
Sleeper Limousine 24 berths
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Price Per Ticket
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Tu Tien bus from Rach Gia to Saigon departs at 06:30, 14:00 and 16:00. It takes around 6-7 hours. Bus type is Sleeper Limousine 24 berths and Sleeper 44 berths. Tu Tien bus from Rach Gia to Saigon picks up passengers at Rach Gia boat station, Rach Gia or at the meeting point around Rach Gia city and drop off at the meeting point in district 3, HCMC. Pick up time is from 30-45 minutes before the departure time.

Tu Tien bus operate bus routes from Saigon to Kien Giang, Kien Giang to Dong Nai and vice versa.

Tu Tien has more than 20 years of experience in the field of transportation, starting from the 16-seat bus line in the 2000s. Tu Tien has constantly upgraded to the current high-class sleeper bus line. Keeping up with the 4.0 trend, Tu Tien has been constantly improving and expanding with the motto, always taking customer satisfaction as a measure for business development. Aim to bring you comfort, courtesy, cleanliness and fun like a home transport.

Tu Tien bus from Rach Gia to Saigon amenities:
Free wifi
All Tu Tien vehicles are equipped with free high-speed wifi. You can relax by surfing the web, social networks, checking email or chatting with friends.
Mineral water & cold towels
Before departing, the vehicles are fully stocked with mineral water and cold towels for you to use on your journey.
Anti-motion sickness medicine
Understand your fear of “car sickness”. Especially for women, the garage is now equipped for you. To ensure your comfort on every trip.

***Prices and timetable for daily, prices increase at weekend, peak season period or public holidays. Duration might last longer depending on actual traffics.

***Pick up time might be from 30-45 minutes before the departure time depending on each location

***You should take care of your luggage, personal properties by yourself. 

***For any other questions regarding to tours or related information, please email us at vietnam.transports@gmail.com Or call our hotline: +84969623100/+84969303322 (WhatsApp)

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